Previous issues
Volume 17 Issue 1
Original Articles
The Present and Future of In Vitro Fertilization
- Jin-Yong Lee
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):1-19.
Effect of 19-Norandrostenedione on the Spermatogenesis in Rat Testis
- Yong-Dal Yoon, Eun-Hyun Chun, Hyun-Won Yang, Jong-Min Kim
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):21-28.
The Efficacy of a Combination Administration of GnRH Agonist(Lupron) and Gonadotropins for Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation in IVF Program
- Shin-Yong Moon, Jin-Yong Lee, Yoon-Seok Chang
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):29-44.
Prediction of The Course of Early Pregnancy after In Vitro Fertilization by Placental Proteins
- Hak-Soon Kim, Shin-Yong Moon, Yoon-Seok Chang
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):45-56.
Study on Pregnancy and Improvement of Fertilization rate by Micromanipulation (Partial Zona Dissection (PZD) and Micro-Insemination by Sperm Transfer(MIST) in human IVF-ET
- Ho-Joon Lee, Kyoo-Wan Choi, Jong-Yung Jun, Jong-Min Park, Hyuck-Chan Kwon, Moon-Kyoo Kim
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):57-63.
Effect of Testosterone Cypionate for Impotent Petients with Low or Low Normal Serum Testosterone Level
- Kyeng-Keun Seo, Young-Tae Moon, Sae-Chul Kim
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):65-70.
Development of Chemiluminescence Immunoassay(CIA) & ELISA for the Detection of Anti-sperm Antibodies in Male Serum
- SC Kim, KS Lee, YK Kim, CK Kim, KH Choi, OJ Kwon, JB Kim
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):71-80.
Ultrarapid Freezing of Mouse Morulae
- CS Baik, MD Suh, JH Lee, KK Lee
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):81-85.
Development of Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for Progesterone in Serum
- KS Lee, BH Suh, JH Lee, JB Kim
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 1990;17(1):87-91.