Previous issues
Volume 47 Issue 4
Review Articles
Fertility-sparing treatment in women with endometrial cancer
- Seyeon Won, Mi Kyoung Kim, Seok Ju Seong
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):237-244.
Nanotechnology in reproductive medicine: Opportunities for clinical translation
- Ruchita Shandilya, Neelam Pathak, Nirmal Kumar Lohiya, Radhey Shyam Sharma, Pradyumna Kumar Mishra
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):245-262.
Autophagy in the uterine vessel microenvironment: Balancing vasoactive factors
- Hyunjung Jade Lim
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):263-268.
Original Articles
Impact of imatinib or dasatinib coadministration on in vitro preantral follicle development and oocyte acquisition in cyclophosphamide-treated mice
- Yeon Hee Hong, Se Jeong Kim, Seul Ki Kim, Seung-Chan Lee, Jin Hyun Jun, Byung Chul Jee, Seok Hyun Kim
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):269-276.
Sperm chromatin structure assay versus sperm chromatin dispersion kits: Technical repeatability and choice of assisted reproductive technology procedure
- Vidya Laxme B, Silviya Stephen, Ramyashree Devaraj, Sridurga Mithraprabhu, Ricardo P. Bertolla, Tara Mahendran
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):277-283.
Effect of evaporation-induced osmotic changes in culture media in a dry-type incubator on clinical outcomes in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles
- Hee-Jun Chi, Jun-Sang Park, Chang-Seok Yoo, Su-Jin Kwak, Ho-Jeong Son, Seok-Gi Kim, Chae-Hee Sim, Kyeong-Ho Lee, Deog-Bon Koo
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):284-292.
Reanalysis of discarded blastocysts for autosomal aneuploidy after sex selection in cleavage-stage embryos
- Neda Ebrahimian, Fatemeh Montazeri, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, Seyed Mehdi Kalantar, Kambiz Gilany, Mohannad Ali Khalili
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):293-299.
Dual trigger in normally-responding assisted reproductive technology patients increases the number of top-quality embryos
- Yavuz Emre Şükür, Hasan Ulubaşoğlu, Fatma Ceylan İlhan, Bülent Berker, Murat Sönmezer, Cem Somer Atabekoğlu, Ruşen Aytaç, Batuhan Özmen
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):300-305.
Effect of a dual trigger on oocyte maturation in young women with decreased ovarian reserve for the purpose of elective oocyte cryopreservation
- Se Jeong Kim, Tae Hyung Kim, Jae Kyun Park, Jin Hee Eum, Woo Sik Lee, Sang Woo Lyu
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):306-311.
The impact of post-warming culture duration on clinical outcomes of vitrified-warmed single blastocyst transfer cycles
- Ji Young Hwang, Jae Kyun Park, Tae Hyung Kim, Jin Hee Eum, HaengSeok Song, Jin Young Kim, Han Moie Park, Chan Woo Park, Woo Sik Lee, Sang Woo Lyu
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):312-318.
Case Report
A spontaneous pregnancy and live birth in a woman with primary infertility following the excision of an ovarian adrenal rest tumor: A rare case
- Hacer Uyanıkoglu, Gonul Ozer, Semra Kahraman
- Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2020;47(4):319-322.