Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine



Original Article
Korean J Fertil Steril. 1990;17(1):81-85.
Ultrarapid Freezing of Mouse Morulae
CS Baik1, MD Suh1, JH Lee1, KK Lee2
1Infertility Clinic, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Medicine Kyung Hee University
2Developmental Biotechnology Lab., Genetic Engineering Center, KIST
We cryopreserved mouse morulae by a simple ultra-rapid method of freezing embryos directly in $LN_2$ after holding 2min in a $LN_2$ vapor, and thawed them in $37^{\circ}C$ water bath. The time requirements for permeation and dehydration by 2.0 M glycerol and 0.2 M sucrose before freezing were studied. When the embryos were equilibrated for 10 min, the optimun post-thaw survival was obtained. Embryos those developed normally to blastocyst after in vitro culture for over 24hrs were regarded as survival ones. Two experiments to assess post-thaw survival following predehydration in various mixtures of glycerol and sucrose were also accomplished. When sucrose was held constant (0.2 M) and glycerol concentration varied (1.5-3.5 M), post-thaw survival was best (78.0%) in 3.0 M glycerol. When glycerol was held constant (3.0M) and sucrose concentration varied (0.0-1.0M), optimun post-thaw survival (78.0%) was found in 0.2 M sucrose.

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